Saturday, August 11, 2012

Beware of Scammer named Mark Rejniak aka Marek Rejniak

I am writing this article to let everyone know about  this scammer named Mark Rejniak aka Marek Rejniak and his fictitious company called “Amerex Investment Corporation” . He also has dealings with Abbey Investment Corporation and Allied Investment Corporation.

Mark Rejniak, aka, Marek Rejniak is not a licensed investment manager. He works with Ms. Alicia Milner of Los Angeles, California and they purport to having an office in Washington DC as well as Los Angeles and Mississauga, Canada.

Rejniak has scammed myself out of $240,000 whereby he claimed to own Amerex Investment Corporation and also claimed this corporation was a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve Bank of Washington DC. He claims to have access to and conduct investments using a High Yield Investment Program (HYIP). It is all lies. In fact, Mark Rejniak would be the most fluent liar I have ever had the misfortune to deal with. You are warned if you intend dealing with him, he will cheat you.

I would like assistance in getting these people charged in the USA and bought before a Judge as soon as is possible, and of course, get my money back.

            I am also seeking photographs, addresses or real estate of Ms. Alicia Milner and Mark (Marek) Rejniak if anyone has them. I am also seeking Rekniak’s whereabouts, so please assist me here if you have any information. You can visit my website for more details on Mark Rejniak and Alicia Milner by going to

Here is what he looks like for those who don’t know him and those seeking to research his bona fides as he is probably using another name by now.

Please help me here in any way possible. Thank you, Ian McIntosh

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